Social Credit Prognostications
Social Credit theory offers a cogent set of explanations for both the whys and the hows of our financial and social discontents.
Personalism and the Economic Hit Man
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and A Theory of Personalism address a malaise which is political, economic, and cultural—but ultimately religious.
Economics, Distributism, and Limits Theory
Are we pulled closer to God and independence, or enticed to sell our souls along the accelerating path of economic progress and wealth?
The Most Honest Commencement Address You'll Never Hear
According to conservative estimates, over half of those between the ages of 20-25 are jobless. But you'll never hear that from any commencement address.
Friends and Strangers: A Meditation on Money
Money is not so much a medium of exchange as a record of the obligations we have to each other.
The Debt Ceiling Deception
Debt is now a reality that neither Americans nor the rest of the world can simply escape or ignore.
Little Dorrit and the Debt Crisis
Little Dorrit is not a book on the evils of wealth, but the evils of pride and despair.
Will There Be Zombies?
Like the zombies, we pursue the same goal, our supposed “self-interest,” but we pursue it mindlessly and without cooperation with each other.
America Foreclosed
Welcome to America 2008. By allowing foreigners to buy U.S. debt, have we made them the new masters’ of the fate of the average American?