John Paul II, Laborem Exercens
Pope John Paul intended to issue Laborem Exercens on May 15, 1981, the ninetieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum.
A Distributive Society is a Co-Creative Society
God made from nothing, so a distributive society will inescapably be co-creative too, a society that readily assists God in finishing that creation.
From Pius XII Through Paul VI
When Paul VI (1963-1978) succeeded to the papacy it was in the midst of the most noteworthy ecclesiastical event of the 20th century.
Catholic Social Teaching: Pius XI
The next topic that Pius XI takes up is the immense one stated in the title of the encyclical, the reconstruction of the social order.
Catholic Social Teaching: St. Pius X Through Pius XI
Pius' great achievement in the social field was Quadragesimo Anno, issued on the precise day, May 15, exactly forty years after Rerum Novarum.
The Chips Begin to Fall Where They May
Tucker titles his post “Why Catholics Don’t Understand Economics”. Does he mean all Catholics? Or Catholic laymen? Bishops? Priests? Maybe the Pope?
From the Beginnings Through Leo XIII
Leo XIII restored the confidence of the Catholic world and began to reinvigorate the Church with an energy that lasted up into the 1960s.
An Introduction to the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Catholic social teaching may be described as that teaching which deals with the rights and duties of man, especially with the economic aspects of society.
The Mistake About Distributism
Distributism finds its roots in the social and economic theories articulated in the documents of the Church’s social teaching.
A Resolved Tension
One is left with a very difficult decision when dealing with what Woods refers to as “the unresolved tension” between social teaching and economic law.
On Pilgrimage: Giving the Addict His Due
We, too, must give freely and lavishly to those who ask of us, even if they are the addict on the street.
A Time to Rebuild on Firmer Foundations III
Just price theory is not solely a matter of divine law; it is part of the natural law as evidenced by the fact that even pagan Roman law recognized it.
Being American and Catholic
The tensions between the City of God and the City of Man take on a different form for modern American Catholics.
A Time to Rebuild on Firmer Foundations II
Liberal Catholics who hold Capitalism to be an article of the faith love property, believing that it proves that the Church supports the Capitalist ethic.
The Future of the Christian Voluntary Sector
There is a clear need for a replacement philosophy in a variety of intellectual areas, and not just economics, but also in the voluntary sector.
A Time to Rebuild on Firmer Foundations
How much should the government exercise its monopoly over interference with economic activity? Capitalists say not at all and Communists say all the time.
The Dialogue Between Veritas and Caritate
There is a dialogic relationship between theology, the Queen of the Sciences, and economics, or indeed every other humane science.
Will the Real Subsidiarity Please Stand Up?
What are Catholics to make of the principle of subsidiarity?
What Does Centesimus Annus Really Teach?
Does Centesimus Annus really endorse the 'free' market? Does the teaching of this encyclical break the line with prior papal teaching on the social order?