To Proclaim Christ to All Peoples and Nations
An Economics of Justice & Charity unpacks the social teachings and challenges Catholics to deepen their knowledge of the social doctrine of the Church.

Earth Ought Not to Look Like Hell
Chesterton understood exactly what they meant. They meant the “feeble-minded” on earth. They meant the “lower classes" or “humanity minus ourselves.”

The Distributist League of New England?
Perhaps we may never learn the identities of the original New England leaguers. Or maybe you can help us unravel this mystery.

An Interview with Christopher Hagen
With his lovely wife Christelle and their six beautiful children, Christopher Hagen is looking forward to whatever God has in store for his family.

O Blessed Lady of the Fields
This handsome prayer book should be of great interest to distributists for the essential devotions that are at the heart of agrarian life.

Economic Participation
More ownership is rarely explored today because we have accepted the separation of ownership and work as the gold standard of economic progress.

The impact of for-profit control over our society has reenergized what some astute observers call plutonomy, which is what we are living under today.

Understanding the Economic Justice of Marriage
The civil institution of marriage serves the well-being of children and affirms the optimal setting for their development.

Msgr. Luigi Ligutti and Distributism
Ligutti's book, published in 1940, thoroughly documents the dramatic effects of capitalism on rural communities.

A Message for the Home
Our debt isn’t really a problem. Our inability to pay it is the problem.

The Beginning
One group looks to Big Business and the other to Big Government in an effort to solve our problems. Let's back up to the beginning.

The Immigrants Part II
Without start-up capital, immigrants historically drew from the resources and strengths of their unique communities and traded among themselves.

The Immigrants Still Believe in God
Immigrants have always been viewed with suspicion, feared to carry diseases, and even thought to conspire insurrection.

The Continuity of Centesimus Annus
Centesimus Annus does not discard those “third way fantasies” Mr. Weigel is so excited to dismiss.

The Banishment of Agape
Across our nation a war is brewing against charity and its erosion is a sign of our “humanitarian age”.

The Church and the Libertarian: A Review
The Church and the Libertarian is an exhaustive and polemical work, refuting Austro-Libertarianism and defending the Catholic Church's social teaching.

Toward a Truly Free Market: A Review
Indeed, the “free” market called capitalism is a system of privatized profits and socialized losses.

Industry: A Distributist Solution Part II
Cooperatives are a Distributist answer for the increase of widespread ownership of the means of production.

Industry: The Distributist Solution
From chewing gum to automobiles, chairs to food stuffs, we live in a world consumed by and dependent on mass-produced goods and large-scale industry.

For Victory
Chesterton’s vision “ought to occur” so that amid today's ruin we may be instruments of Christ’s victory.