The Slavophils
Slavophils generally represented the ‘small’ landowner class, standing between a French- and German-speaking, Westernised, absentee-landlord ‘high society’ on the one hand, and a vast, devotedly-Orthodox, Russian-speaking class of unfree or semi-free serfs and peasants on the other.
The Forgotten Agrarian
It is not so much a matter of Adam Smith “defending” capitalism as it is of capitalists appropriating Smith, and often against his expressed wishes.
The Distributist League of New England?
Perhaps we may never learn the identities of the original New England leaguers. Or maybe you can help us unravel this mystery.
Orestes Brownson: Forgotten Prophet
Kevin O'Brien explores how, in many ways, Orestes Brownson was the American Bl. John Henry Newman.
An Interview with the Author of Liberty, the God That Failed
Dr. John C. Rao interviews Christopher Ferrara, author of Liberty, the God That Failed, a book debunking the Enlightenment’s radical exclusion of Christ.
Lord Acton Tends to Corrupt
Lord Acton was a Liberal Catholic who intensely disliked the counterrevolutionary direction under the leadership of Pius IX.
An Introduction to the Social Theories of the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages provides a counterpoint to our current situation.
Dr. Franciszek Stefczyk: Father of Polish Credit Unions
Dr. Franciszek Stefczyk led a quiet life never allowing power to interfere with life as Catholic, husband, father, and social pioneer.
An Advent Reflection
The free market does not automatically produce free men, as much as the libertarians of his time and ours would like it to do so.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures III
Austrian thinkers have been denouncing state intervention only to defend it whenever the rhetorical needs of the moment demand it.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures Part II
Having examined “Austrian scholarship” on the late Jesuit scholastics, Christopher Ferrara tackles the second part of his review of the English enclosures.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures
Why are the past fifty years of scholarship on the enclosures more reliable than the past two centuries of scholarship?
Corporation Christendom: The True School of Salamanca
Christendom, unlike “market forces,” presupposes real freedom; if man was not free and meant to be fulfilled in his freedom, Christendom would not be needed.
The Growth and Decline of the Roman Economy
The importance of agriculture to the foundation of the Roman state is seen also in their mythology and calendar.
Monarchy and the American Constitution
Love the idea of monarchy or hate it, we already have an imperial presidency.
A Real Catholic Monarchy
Monarchy is both the best and worst form of government; best when the king acts for the common good, and worst when he does not.
'The Distributive Alternative'
Chesterton and Belloc did not reject modern technology, but they did fundamentally disagree with the economic system on which modern society is based.
Distributism: A Précis
Distributism favours a ‘society of owners’, where property belongs to the many rather than the few or the state, as advocated by some socialists.
The Fall of the Wall
The world is now celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. But in fact, the Wall did not fall on that date.
Catholic Colony-Making in 19th Century America
The desire to live a way of life in keeping with the faith gave the impetus for the founding of many Catholic communities in America.