The Common Good
When a community of a higher order acts, it is always to do so with a view of the common good, but what exactly is the common good?
Au Contraire, Sister Dear
In the name of tolerance and religious dialogue, ideas like Sister Farley's "contemporary interpretations" of sexual ethics have already had top billing.
Is Usury Still a Sin?
One looks in vain to find that the Church ever retracted, abrogated, or substantially altered her teaching on usury.
Catholics, Distributism and Occupy Wall Street
This past fall we saw the Occupy Wall Street movement—the most outspoken voice on behalf of justice to be heard for many years.
Seeking the Common Good
Hippler makes very clear the definition of the common good is “a good that can be shared in by all and does not diminish when it is divided.”
The Continuity of Centesimus Annus
Centesimus Annus does not discard those “third way fantasies” Mr. Weigel is so excited to dismiss.
Labor Rights, Addendum
Almost all capitalists claim that unions ultimately, and perhaps inadvertently, create situations that are unfavorable to labor.
Three Strategies for Evasion
There are three main strategies used by conservative Catholics to justify their dissent from papal social teaching.
Labor Rights Reality
Why have labor unions so consistently fallen victim to corruption?
Is the Acton Institute a Genuine Expression of Catholic Social Thought?
The institute's name and patron are well-chosen, for it continues the tradition of liberal and even dissenting Catholicism that Lord Acton himself partook of.
Is Distributism Catholic?
Is Distributism Catholic? The answer to the question is both yes and no.
The Trouble with Catholic Social Teaching
The term Catholic Social Teaching produces two opposite and unpleasant effects. It makes some people bare their teeth and others run and hide.
The Social Kingship of Christ
The Church teaches as the viceroy of Christ the King what moral principles need to form economic laws and transactions.
Distributism: Economics as if People Mattered
"The Servile State" is the one of classical antiquity, in which vast masses of the people work as slaves for the small class of owners.
Economic Law and Catholic Social Doctrine Part II
The creation of an economics must be consistent with observed human behavior and with the Church's social doctrine.
Economic Law and Catholic Social Doctrine
Catholic Social Teaching, began in an authoritative way with Leo XIII's 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum.
Neither Statism Nor Individualism
Attractive as this might be, I do not think we can accept a point of view that sees the state as an evil, even a necessary evil.
Centesimus Annus Part II
Part II of Thomas Storck's review of Centesimus Annus.
Centesimus Annus Part I
In some quarters Centesimus Annus was hailed as a new direction in papal social teaching, and even as a repudiation of past doctrine.
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
Unlike previous encyclicals, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis was issued to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Paul VI's Populorum Progressio.