An Example
Citizens who have been long deprived of their property and who have ceased to feel the instinct for it, tend to lose their citizenship.
Communism: the Theory
The principle of Communism is that public authority shall not protect the property of any man when it is used for production, distribution, or exchange.
Els Nostres Deures Envers els Pobres
És una curiosa ironia, que la cosa temporal que havia d’unir més els catòlics, és allò que els catòlics necesàriament han d’envestir amb més vacil·lacions.
Property as Key to Social Justice
It is not true that capitalism arose inevitably from the necessary development of economic institutions under the doctrine of private property.
Insufficiency and Insecurity
Wherever industrial Capitalism arose the same conditions of insufficiency followed it.
The Disease of Monopoly
This disease of monopoly, which is ruining freedom, and against which nearly all men protest, is a main symptom of our modern mortal disease.
A society in which the mass of men have no experience of ownership is a society which sees in Socialism the short-cut to its ideals.
The Restoration of Property
No man attempting the restoration of property can say, “Here is my cut and dried plan.” You cannot do it, because it is normal to man, organic.
The Guild System
The Guild is the oldest, most deeply rooted of all human institutions. It has appeared in all civilizations because it is necessary to stability.
Communism Has Failed
There are four main proposals Communism offered for setting things right again. The first three are false remedies, the fourth is the true remedy.
The Differential Tax
The principle of the Differential Tax is that a different proportion of taxation and amount may be applied to men in different circumstances.
The whole meaning of property is the economic freedom which it bestows upon the individual or family possessing it.
Capital Kills Its Own Market
Suppose one man in a community of 1,000,000 men controlled all the land and all the capital.
The Proletarian Mind
The proletarian mind inherits nothing and has no hope of handing on anything to posterity.
Ruin of the Small Store Owner
This small owner, a typical citizen of a fee contented state, is rapidly disappearing under our evil modern conditions.
The Wage Worker
The wage worker is one who works not for himself but for another at wage paid him by that other.
The Problem Stated
The problem with which we are faced is as follows: citizens politically free and politically equal do not possess the means of livelihood.
To Begin With
We seek Justice not only, because we suffer from its absence, but because, when others suffer so, their strong grievance poisons the moral air we breathe.
The Modern Phase
This first form of social evil produced by the modern spirit is rather a tendency to slavery than actual slavery.
The Catholic Church and the Principle of Private Property
The right to property in material things is a moral right, attaching not only to the community, but to families, and to individuals.