Catholics and Libertarian Economics: A Reply to Samuel Gregg
Gregg frames the conflict between Pope Francis and libertarian thought, whereas it is really a conflict between Catholic teaching and libertarian thought.
What the New York Times Did Not Say
People often seem to choose one of two sides of Dorothy. There is mysticism and activism in her life, and one cannot understand one without the other.
Scaling Business
The pervasive fear of any state influence on the size of a business is based on the philosophical error that man's natural state is apolitical and asocial.
Lord Acton Tends to Corrupt
Lord Acton was a Liberal Catholic who intensely disliked the counterrevolutionary direction under the leadership of Pius IX.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures III
Austrian thinkers have been denouncing state intervention only to defend it whenever the rhetorical needs of the moment demand it.
Is the Acton Institute a Genuine Expression of Catholic Social Thought?
The institute's name and patron are well-chosen, for it continues the tradition of liberal and even dissenting Catholicism that Lord Acton himself partook of.