The Citizen's Share
In The Citizen’s Share, authors Joseph R. Blasi, Richard B. Freeman, and Douglas L. Kruse present a compelling case for “broad-based capitalism.”

The Political Economy of Distributism
Political subsidiarity means little if the industrial system remains concentrated; collecting taxes locally if production is not also widespread.

Industry: A Distributist Solution Part II
Cooperatives are a Distributist answer for the increase of widespread ownership of the means of production.

Mondragón: Rendimiento pasado y potencial futuro
Desde los comienzos en 1956, las cooperativas de Mondragón han crecido en lo que ahora es el grupo de negocios más grande de la región Vasca de España.

Mondragon and the Global Economic Meltdown
Mondragón co-operatives now own or joint venture some 114 local and overseas subsidiaries.

Benedict on Business: What's Love Got to Do With It?
Pope Benedict XVI's new encyclical insists that proper economics is based not only on the virtue of justice, but on the supernatural virtue of love!