Social Justice and the Fear of Hell
It is worth a closer look to discover whether a connection between justice and fear of Hell might be useful to the common good of society.
Aquinas On Buying and Selling
Those who desire to be rich fall in temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
Heinrich Pesch on Solidarist Economics
Solidarism, as Pesch intends, is the understanding that man is an individual person and a member of the community.
A Review of Ethics and the National Economy
In contrast to Mises's dismissal of a socially binding "ethics" and "national economy," we find a priest asserting the real existence of both.
Corporation Christendom: The True School of Salamanca
Christendom, unlike “market forces,” presupposes real freedom; if man was not free and meant to be fulfilled in his freedom, Christendom would not be needed.
A Time to Rebuild on Firmer Foundations III
Just price theory is not solely a matter of divine law; it is part of the natural law as evidenced by the fact that even pagan Roman law recognized it.