Social Credit Solutions
The rate at which costs and prices are built up in the course of production exceed the rate at which consumer purchasing power is distributed to consumers.
Social Credit Prognostications
Social Credit theory offers a cogent set of explanations for both the whys and the hows of our financial and social discontents.
What’s Wrong with the Financial System?
Social Credit holds that the conventional financial system is not properly designed and cannot operate under its rules to fulfill its true purpose.
Communism: the Theory
The principle of Communism is that public authority shall not protect the property of any man when it is used for production, distribution, or exchange.
Les méfaits du capitalisme
Beaucoup commencent à mettre en doute les fondements du capitalisme d’une maniéré qu’on n’avait pas constatée depuis des décennies.
The Disease of Monopoly
This disease of monopoly, which is ruining freedom, and against which nearly all men protest, is a main symptom of our modern mortal disease.