Chesterton and the Pickpocket
Chesterton invoked the image of the pickpocket as a way of capturing the truth about present-day economic philosophies and practices.
An Awkward, Accurate Name
As the father of the word Distributism, Belloc thought it an awkward word but also accurate in that it emerged from the term "distributive justice".
Common Good, Private Good, and Personal Dignity
Man possesses dignity because he participates in a good that is clearly higher than himself.
The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker
Christian defenders of self-interest are quite comfortable with accepting behavior they would denounce in any other area of social life.
Distributists don't believe in utopia, rather in a society where the impact of corruption is mitigated, and therefore more easily corrected.
The Logic of Christendom
For the Greeks of Athens, as for the Catholics of Christendom, religion was not a private affair but also involved “regular public honoring of the divine.”
The Tradition of Nothing Worship II
William Cavanaugh’s name for liberalism is the “worship of the empty shrine,” and, according to Cavanaugh, its main temple is the United States of America.
The Tradition of Nothing Worship
Without tradition we are unable to make any sense of reality at all, because our bodies, minds, and souls are, largely, products of tradition themselves.
We're All Traditionalists Now
What liberals have awoken to, and what many orthodox Catholics thinkers, unfortunately, have not, is that the Enlightenment is over.
Does Property Have a Purpose?
Under Distributism, more people will derive at least part of their income from their own property.
The League of Fried Eggs and Bacon
Who was the first person to put bacon, eggs and toast together on a plate? He is far more brilliant than any president, pope or philosopher!
The Neoconservative Response Part II
Novak himself states that “neoliberal” would be a better epithet than “neoconservative,” as Liberalism describes the movement more accurately.
The Neoconservative Response
The neoconservatives have tapped a strain in Catholicism that has been present in one form or another since the Enlightenment.