A Postmodern Encyclical
Pope Benedict wrote the first postmodern encyclical, one that capitalizes on the post-Enlightenment and post-secular weariness with secular reason.
The Tradition of Nothing Worship II
William Cavanaugh’s name for liberalism is the “worship of the empty shrine,” and, according to Cavanaugh, its main temple is the United States of America.
The Tradition of Nothing Worship
Without tradition we are unable to make any sense of reality at all, because our bodies, minds, and souls are, largely, products of tradition themselves.
We're All Traditionalists Now
What liberals have awoken to, and what many orthodox Catholics thinkers, unfortunately, have not, is that the Enlightenment is over.
Victims of Mammon
Let us reject the idol of liberalism by refusing to sacrifice the poor and oppressed on its altar, the altar of Mammon.