Francis or Fundamentalism: A False Dichotomy
La Civiltà Cattolica appears to lump together as integralists all varieties of American Catholics who, in one way or another, do not support the program of Pope Francis.

A Postmodern Encyclical
Pope Benedict wrote the first postmodern encyclical, one that capitalizes on the post-Enlightenment and post-secular weariness with secular reason.

The Logic of Christendom
For the Greeks of Athens, as for the Catholics of Christendom, religion was not a private affair but also involved “regular public honoring of the divine.”

The Tradition of Nothing Worship
Without tradition we are unable to make any sense of reality at all, because our bodies, minds, and souls are, largely, products of tradition themselves.

We're All Traditionalists Now
What liberals have awoken to, and what many orthodox Catholics thinkers, unfortunately, have not, is that the Enlightenment is over.

Obama's Contraception Coverage
It's not, it turns out, just a "Catholic" issue, not just an issue for those who oppose contraception. Virtually all forms have an agent that is designed to act as an abortifacient.

The Attack On the Family
Every organized attack on sexual morality is an assault on the family, an attempt to sever the bonds between husband and wife or parents and children.

The Neoconservative Response
The neoconservatives have tapped a strain in Catholicism that has been present in one form or another since the Enlightenment.

The Church and the Libertarian
There are many strains in libertarianism, but “Austro-libertarianism” is rather a latecomer to the libertarian tent, and hardly the whole of the movement.