An Example
Citizens who have been long deprived of their property and who have ceased to feel the instinct for it, tend to lose their citizenship.
Collusion of Big Business and Big Government
A standard critique of capitalism, going back to Chesterton and Belloc, is that it creates a collusion between Big Government and Big Business.
Two Biblical Passages On Economic Life
There are two passages from Sacred Scripture which, taken together, illustrate well the place which economic activity should occupy in human life.
Els Nostres Deures Envers els Pobres
És una curiosa ironia, que la cosa temporal que havia d’unir més els catòlics, és allò que els catòlics necesàriament han d’envestir amb més vacil·lacions.
The Recovery of the Guilds
Is it possible that the guilds, those great symbols of medieval culture and enterprise, might be restored to life in our own time?
Christendom, Americanism, and Beyond
Mr. Storck insists, like Belloc, Chesterton, and Dawson, that the history of western civilization can only be comprehended if we see it as Christendom.
Solzhenitsyn and Distributism
There are remarkable parallels between the ideas set forth by Solzhenitsyn and the ideas espoused by Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc fifty years earlier.
The Disease of Monopoly
This disease of monopoly, which is ruining freedom, and against which nearly all men protest, is a main symptom of our modern mortal disease.
Answer to John Cort
Dorothy Day repudiates John Cort and other Catholics who see Distributism as an agrarian visionary dream.
A society in which the mass of men have no experience of ownership is a society which sees in Socialism the short-cut to its ideals.
The Restoration of Property
No man attempting the restoration of property can say, “Here is my cut and dried plan.” You cannot do it, because it is normal to man, organic.
The Guild System
The Guild is the oldest, most deeply rooted of all human institutions. It has appeared in all civilizations because it is necessary to stability.
Communism Has Failed
There are four main proposals Communism offered for setting things right again. The first three are false remedies, the fourth is the true remedy.
Despre Statul Servil
“Statul servil”—În această formă socială, o minoritate care controlează mijloacele de producție susține vasta majoritate a celor fara proprietate.
Co-Creational Curriculum
It’s not enough to develop a set of lessons that parishioners can go to school on to become better informed. We need a Co-Creational Curriculum.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures
Why are the past fifty years of scholarship on the enclosures more reliable than the past two centuries of scholarship?
Christians and the Economy
How many among us self-proclaimed Christians make our living off of the more and more imaginary and arbitrary world of finance?
The Differential Tax
The principle of the Differential Tax is that a different proportion of taxation and amount may be applied to men in different circumstances.
The whole meaning of property is the economic freedom which it bestows upon the individual or family possessing it.
A las diez y cuarto de la mañana
Frente a la imposición del Estado Servil a que llevaban estas propuestas, Belloc y Chesterton proponían un Estado Distributivo.