To Proclaim Christ to All Peoples and Nations
An Economics of Justice & Charity unpacks the social teachings and challenges Catholics to deepen their knowledge of the social doctrine of the Church.

Globalization Must Not Be a New Form of Colonialism
Years ago, St. John Paul II critiqued the economics of globalization, and raised serious ethical questions about the way it is implemented.

Catholics and Libertarian Economics: A Reply to Samuel Gregg
Gregg frames the conflict between Pope Francis and libertarian thought, whereas it is really a conflict between Catholic teaching and libertarian thought.

Capitalism and Economism
The truth of what John Paul wrote about economism hardly allows us to defend a system that fosters the desire for material goods as an end in itself.

New Names For Old Things
It is much harder to make distinctions between beneficial and harmful innovations, and even more so between new things and new names for old things.

Internet Businesses: Solution or Stopgap?
Internet commerce means we will buy almost nothing from local stores and instead sit at our computers, ordering from online venders often located far away.

Revolution Starts with “I,” Not “They”
In much of the criticism of the Church, an opinion emerges that She should be more like the State, like a secular democracy, or like a business corporation.

Thinking with the Church
Are we turning to the teachings of the Church only to evaluate how these deviate from our favorite secular theories and authors?

Politics of Life
It is not the act of consumption that alienates, but consumerism as a way of life in which we define ourselves by what we consume.

Subsidiarity Isn’t in the Constitution
In the United States, the federal government has only the powers given to it by the Constitution.

The Profit Motive
That seeking and gaining of immense wealth is a socially acceptable pursuit points to the fact that the morals of our society are not based on those of Jesus Christ.

The Continuity of Centesimus Annus
Centesimus Annus does not discard those “third way fantasies” Mr. Weigel is so excited to dismiss.

Three Strategies for Evasion
There are three main strategies used by conservative Catholics to justify their dissent from papal social teaching.

Is A Free Market A Good Thing?
Free markets will not automatically produce justice; neither will they even necessarily produce economic prosperity.

Centesimus Annus Part II
Part II of Thomas Storck's review of Centesimus Annus.

Centesimus Annus Part I
In some quarters Centesimus Annus was hailed as a new direction in papal social teaching, and even as a repudiation of past doctrine.

Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
Unlike previous encyclicals, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis was issued to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Paul VI's Populorum Progressio.

John Paul II, Laborem Exercens
Pope John Paul intended to issue Laborem Exercens on May 15, 1981, the ninetieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum.

A Distributive Society is a Co-Creative Society
God made from nothing, so a distributive society will inescapably be co-creative too, a society that readily assists God in finishing that creation.

The Fall of the Wall
The world is now celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. But in fact, the Wall did not fall on that date.