Justice & Charity: A Review
Justice & Charity could serve as a very helpful introduction for contemporary Catholics utterly unaware of the Church’s rich social doctrine.

Politics and Mysticism, and Mysticism Is Better
Dorothy and Peter did not put their best hopes in partisan politics. Peter Maurin quoted Péguy: “There is politics and mysticism, and mysticism is better.”

Government: Good or Bad? Big or Little?
Is government a necessary evil? A necessary good? Is that government best which governs least?

Alternatives to the Jungle
We have gone a fair way backwards since the last century, when governments pursued strategies that owed much to Catholic economic teachings.

Common Good, Private Good, and Personal Dignity
Man possesses dignity because he participates in a good that is clearly higher than himself.

Scaling Business
The pervasive fear of any state influence on the size of a business is based on the philosophical error that man's natural state is apolitical and asocial.

Economic Participation
More ownership is rarely explored today because we have accepted the separation of ownership and work as the gold standard of economic progress.

Distributists don't believe in utopia, rather in a society where the impact of corruption is mitigated, and therefore more easily corrected.

The Common Good
When a community of a higher order acts, it is always to do so with a view of the common good, but what exactly is the common good?

Heinrich Pesch on Solidarist Economics
Solidarism, as Pesch intends, is the understanding that man is an individual person and a member of the community.

The Vocational Group
The concept and the reality of vocational groups are at the heart of the traditional Catholic approach to solving socio-economic problems.

The Market and the Moral Man
The "market" is a-moral, it is not moral in itself or immoral. It is a tool, and it must be controlled by a user as all tools.