The Economic Crisis of 2008-2009
There is a disconnect for Catholics between the Word of the Gospel and the economic culture, which countenances every form of self-indulgence.
Alternatives to the Jungle
We have gone a fair way backwards since the last century, when governments pursued strategies that owed much to Catholic economic teachings.
Coffee and Choice
Big companies use their so-called “economies of scale,” a euphemism for brute force, to exclude genuine free choice from the market.
The Forgotten Agrarian
It is not so much a matter of Adam Smith “defending” capitalism as it is of capitalists appropriating Smith, and often against his expressed wishes.
The Contradictions of Liberals and Conservatives
Americans like to pride themselves on their freedom, but they exhibit little freedom of thought when it comes to politics.
Seeking the Common Good
Hippler makes very clear the definition of the common good is “a good that can be shared in by all and does not diminish when it is divided.”
The Continuity of Centesimus Annus
Centesimus Annus does not discard those “third way fantasies” Mr. Weigel is so excited to dismiss.
Some Odds and Loose Ends
A perfectly free market has never existed and our present economy is not a free market, but such a state of affairs have not produced real prosperity.
Can Mises Be Baptized?
Money flows like water for these people, usually corporate money, water largely used in an attempt to baptize Mises.
What Does Centesimus Annus Really Teach?
Does Centesimus Annus really endorse the 'free' market? Does the teaching of this encyclical break the line with prior papal teaching on the social order?