Flandria Village
Jules Steverlynk moved to Argentina in the late 1930s and established Flandria Village, a property designed in harmony with Catholic social principles.
What's Wrong with Distributism
Thomas Storck responds to Dr. David Deavel in his latest article "What's Wrong with Distributism."
Distributists don't believe in utopia, rather in a society where the impact of corruption is mitigated, and therefore more easily corrected.
The Common Good
When a community of a higher order acts, it is always to do so with a view of the common good, but what exactly is the common good?
Dr. Franciszek Stefczyk: Father of Polish Credit Unions
Dr. Franciszek Stefczyk led a quiet life never allowing power to interfere with life as Catholic, husband, father, and social pioneer.
Seeking the Common Good
Hippler makes very clear the definition of the common good is “a good that can be shared in by all and does not diminish when it is divided.”
Three Strategies for Evasion
There are three main strategies used by conservative Catholics to justify their dissent from papal social teaching.
Is Distributism Catholic?
Is Distributism Catholic? The answer to the question is both yes and no.
The Science of Economics
Just how accurate are the claims about the science of economics used to rebut the proponents of Distributism?
The Neoconservative Response
The neoconservatives have tapped a strain in Catholicism that has been present in one form or another since the Enlightenment.
Interview with Christopher A. Ferrara
Christopher Ferrara gives the Review another interview for his book The Church and the Libertarian.
An Introduction to the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church
Catholic social teaching may be described as that teaching which deals with the rights and duties of man, especially with the economic aspects of society.
The Catholic Church and the Principle of Private Property
The right to property in material things is a moral right, attaching not only to the community, but to families, and to individuals.
Being American and Catholic
The tensions between the City of God and the City of Man take on a different form for modern American Catholics.
The Church and the Libertarian
There are many strains in libertarianism, but “Austro-libertarianism” is rather a latecomer to the libertarian tent, and hardly the whole of the movement.
Will the Real Subsidiarity Please Stand Up?
What are Catholics to make of the principle of subsidiarity?