An Interview with the Author of Liberty, the God That Failed
Dr. John C. Rao interviews Christopher Ferrara, author of Liberty, the God That Failed, a book debunking the Enlightenment’s radical exclusion of Christ.
The Logic of Christendom
For the Greeks of Athens, as for the Catholics of Christendom, religion was not a private affair but also involved “regular public honoring of the divine.”
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures III
Austrian thinkers have been denouncing state intervention only to defend it whenever the rhetorical needs of the moment demand it.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures Part II
Having examined “Austrian scholarship” on the late Jesuit scholastics, Christopher Ferrara tackles the second part of his review of the English enclosures.
The Austrian Version of the English Enclosures
Why are the past fifty years of scholarship on the enclosures more reliable than the past two centuries of scholarship?
The Church and the Libertarian: A Review
The Church and the Libertarian is an exhaustive and polemical work, refuting Austro-Libertarianism and defending the Catholic Church's social teaching.