An Interview with James Lomuscio
In a world where designers invent in order to sell-out, James Lomuscio blends Distributism into his business model to bring fair practices to the workplace.

Capitalism and Economism
The truth of what John Paul wrote about economism hardly allows us to defend a system that fosters the desire for material goods as an end in itself.

What happens when the introduction of new technology reduces time and increases productivity?

Flandria Village
Jules Steverlynk moved to Argentina in the late 1930s and established Flandria Village, a property designed in harmony with Catholic social principles.

A New People's League
If we want to forge a new Debtors’ Alliance or People’s League or Solidarity Party, we have a Herculean task ahead of us.

The Christian Attitude on Social Problems
The bishops, while defending the rights of labor, warn labor against coercion and injustice in seeking a just solution of social problems.

The Forgotten Agrarian
It is not so much a matter of Adam Smith “defending” capitalism as it is of capitalists appropriating Smith, and often against his expressed wishes.

The Land
If farming is looked on simply as a means of making money, the town will necessarily attract the worker to the detriment of the land.

Pro-Life or Anti-Abortion?
The Republicans are not even an anti-abortion party, much less a pro-life party.

Conversations on Distributism
Our conversations must of necessity be elliptical and disjointed what with swing shifts, hours of work, duties on four acres, wife and six children.

Insufficiency and Insecurity
Wherever industrial Capitalism arose the same conditions of insufficiency followed it.

Distributism and the Labor Market Divide
Under Capitalism some provide the capital and others the labor.

Industry: The Distributist Solution
From chewing gum to automobiles, chairs to food stuffs, we live in a world consumed by and dependent on mass-produced goods and large-scale industry.

Centesimus Annus Part II
Part II of Thomas Storck's review of Centesimus Annus.

On Political Economy
the application of unchecked political economy to the hours of labour must be met and checked by a moral condition.

Slave-Made Goods by Country: A List from the Department of Labor
The most effective pressure on slave drivers is likely to come two places: within their own country, and from the multinational corporate buyers.