Aquinas On Buying and Selling
Those who desire to be rich fall in temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker
Christian defenders of self-interest are quite comfortable with accepting behavior they would denounce in any other area of social life.

Economics, Distributism, and Limits Theory
Are we pulled closer to God and independence, or enticed to sell our souls along the accelerating path of economic progress and wealth?

An Introduction to the Social Theories of the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages provides a counterpoint to our current situation.

Heinrich Pesch on Solidarist Economics
Solidarism, as Pesch intends, is the understanding that man is an individual person and a member of the community.

The Continuity of Centesimus Annus
Centesimus Annus does not discard those “third way fantasies” Mr. Weigel is so excited to dismiss.

Will There Be Zombies?
Like the zombies, we pursue the same goal, our supposed “self-interest,” but we pursue it mindlessly and without cooperation with each other.

A Review of Ethics and the National Economy
In contrast to Mises's dismissal of a socially binding "ethics" and "national economy," we find a priest asserting the real existence of both.

Small Is Still Beautiful
Although Pearce, who is a Catholic, has not written an explicitly Catholic book, Small Is Still Beautiful contains numerous favorable references.

Island Hopping to Distributism
“Island hopping” a third-party into existence takes time and patience, perhaps at a local level before acquiring state and later national recognition.

The Ruin of the Small Storekeeper
The small storekeeper was an independent citizen under no master. He is threatened with disappearance like his brother the small owner.